Where is your cell phone?on my bed
Your hair color? brownish aburnish
Your favorite thing? nature
Your dream last night? well i was like walking on the sidewalk, then i jumped of like a 5ft. curb, and then i had this huge twitch and it woke me upa nd it scared me really bad!:)
Your life dream/goal? haveafamily and go to Le Cordon Bleau
The room you're in?mom's room
Your hobby?baking
Your fear? kidnappers, gangs, scary teenagers, crocidles and alligators.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Le Cordon Bleau
Where were you last night? home
What you're not? perfect
One of your wish list items? laptop... someday
Where you grew up? Ladera Ranch!
The last thing you did? church
What you're wearing: a dress with tights and my UGGs:)
Your pet? my dad's dog is Wiley!
Your mood? excited (no school for another week!)
Missing someone? Mm hm
Something your NOT wearing? a ring
Favorite store? Aerie
Your fave color? green
When is the last time you laughed? labout 12 minutes ago
When is the last time you cried? not sure actually
You're life in one word: crazy (right now at least)
I tag anyone who feels like doing this one! It's really fun actually.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Posted by Darcy at 3:22 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted by Darcy at 9:19 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Independent Study
Posted by Darcy at 4:30 PM 6 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hey everyone, I had just said that i was going private, but I found a really cool way to moderate comments. So whenever someone makes a comment, I approve it then it can be posted if i want it to! And if I don't like them, then they aren't posted. So ya, and if you didn't see the post about my blog going private, it's because I just deleted it so it wouldn't confuse everyone. A very repetivtive post as Allie said to me, but I don't really care. :)
Posted by Darcy at 6:12 AM 44 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tonight after mutal we were standing outside in the freeezzzzing weather, and it starting sleeting a little. Then on the way home, the sleet started coming down really hard. As soon as we got home I applied all my snow gear, prepared for the best snow Texas gets. I ran back outside, and sure enough, SNOWFLAKES! Little fluffy snowflakes. I love Texas! We get the best of both worlds. We've got the burning 100F weather, the 70F weather, and the 20F weather! But i have to enjoy it because by next week it'll be back to burning hot:) Thats just how Texas is! Anyways, I just put a little Tupperware full of water into the cold to freeze. I hope it works. I've gotta go and enjoy the snowing while it lasts, BYE!
Posted by Darcy at 7:21 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
New Picture
So I have been trying to decide, and I finally made a choice. I am not going to change to Christmas. Before you start getting mad and wondering why I'm so not in the "Christmas spirit loop", I have good reason! Here it is:
First of all, I love my background because I can't have a blog called Pots, Pans, and Petals if there's not a single flower on my blog!
Second, my blog is soo me. I love it! It has flowers, it reminds me of nature, and the christmas blog background choices aren't really me.
Third, everyone has already gotten all the cutest backgrounds from cutest blog on the block!
Fourth, we don't have that long till' Christmas anyways and then I'd have to change it again!
And finally... FIFTH, Cassie is going to call me very soon and teach me how to get my pic. to fit on the top of my blog and look cute too:)
Now if you don't agree with my choice, well, maybe you can change your blog again just for me. But I am not changing my blog. Maybe next year I'll do it right after Thanksgiving so there's actually time to enjoy and cherish it! Cass, you should probaly call me soon so that i actually do change my blog.
P.S. If you didn't notice though, I did change my blog pic above to one that is really me! I LOOVE it.. i want to learn how to do whatever it is that the picture is. It looks so pretty.
Posted by Darcy at 6:44 PM 6 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
I CANNOT decide if i should go all out Christmas-y on my blog or not like Allie+Ray did! It took my mom and I like 3 million hours to make the one i have now. What do you guys think???? Honetly... is it too short of a time to get one then 24 days later change it again??? HELP!
Posted by Darcy at 4:24 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today after seeing Twilight for the 2nd time with Hannah, Allie, Bekah, and Maddie Allie and Bekah had a photo shoot for me and Maddie! Bekah took all of Maddie's pics so we don't have Maddie's yet. But in the mean time here are mine. (BTW some are supposed to be cheesy!)
Posted by Darcy at 4:19 PM 7 comments

Posted by Darcy at 4:14 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
4th pic in 4th folder
so allie tagged me, and what you have to do is go in the 4th folder on your pics and click on the 4th pic. then post it amd tag a few other people! i'm tagging ray, taylor c, and mommy!
Posted by Darcy at 2:50 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Tribute to Allie
Posted by Darcy at 6:07 PM 5 comments
Independent Study
Posted by Darcy at 5:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Club Penguin
Posted by Darcy at 4:45 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Cedar Trees
For cryin out loud, anyone that lives in Texas right now is dying of allergys! Seriously, you can ask anyone here and they'll tell you they have a sinus headache, or a stuffed nose, or itchy eyes, and like me and my mom a sore throat. For those non-Texans out there, a Cedar tree is a big green tree that's really ugly, stubby, and basically looks like a giant weed. Like this picture, Cedar trees cover hills completly everywhere and you'll see one anywhere you go around here. That's it for my allergy update in Texas!:)
Posted by Darcy at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Kona Ice
The main reason this short clip is on here is mainly to show you the music and the part were you order the snow cone.
Posted by Darcy at 5:12 PM 7 comments

Posted by Darcy at 5:03 PM 3 comments
My Pumpkin!
On Monday we carved pumpkins. mine is in the middle. if you can't tell what it is, it's a scary tree with a ghost standing next to it! Allie's is first, and of course luke's is the last one. (DUH, it's USC)
Posted by Darcy at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Alphabet Song
On the side of my blog you'll see a tiny music player. If you pause my music down at the bottom then hit play on the small music player you'll hear my new favorite song! We sing it in Spanish to memorize our Spanish alphabet. Today we had to sing it with no music in the backround, and a partner. It was so funny!
Posted by Darcy at 4:46 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hallelujah, Texas has actually had some rain. Some real rain. The big ditches that travel in front of my new school were flowing rapidly with water. Normally these big ditches cement is brown and dirty. Covered with dust, twigs, and other random items from the last rain. But finally those ditches were cleaned and the street was so black and soaked. The cement was so gray, and the air smelled that amazing smell of pine trees and nature... my favorite.
Posted by Darcy at 7:05 PM 0 comments
This picture really doesn't do the school much justice because it really does look nice and have pretty trees everywhere and a nice sized football field and track. But this is my new school. I am officially being converted by my fellow school mates from an Eagle to a Leopard! Something that is SO interesting and awesome is that the 7th grade (my grade) a-team football QB is a girl named Erica! The only bad thing for her though is she has to have boy cut hair. Since we are in middle school the coaches have to let anyone try out. I guess she was pretty awesome because she is the QB! CPMS has taken some getting used to, but I think i'll get more and more comfortable as the weeks go on.
Posted by Darcy at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Spanish Substitute
So Cassie had a post on her blog about substitute teachers... and i have a story to share about them too!
OK so first of all the picture i think makes perfect sense about substitute teachers because it's funny how the whole class crowds around and attempts to tell him/her what "the teacher normally does."
now my story, so we had a sub in Spanish today. it's this guy, he's kinda short and really tan. as soon as we got in he recognized we were a bit of a loud class. so he told us his rules and got us going on our work right away. the whole time he taught the class well and was really fun. at the end of class the bell rang and we all packed up. he said, "Bye kids be good, I'll be here tomorrow also! I love you." Like seriously he wasn't joking he just said i love you as we all walked out. not one by one as joke. he said i love you guys. Am i the only person that finds that a bit strange??? Anyways, there is my substitute report!
Posted by Darcy at 3:50 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by Darcy at 7:09 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Luke and Maddie's Bonding time!

Posted by Darcy at 3:08 PM 4 comments

I hope we get to experience another awesome football game where the Timber wolves win!
Posted by Darcy at 3:08 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I'm Alive!!!
I promise I am alive. I just kept slacking off and not posting, but I am doing it all right now!
Posted by Darcy at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sorry it's been so long, but right now I am in California so I have lots of cute pics but I can't post them till' I get home. I just had to post this because my blog has said "Beauty and the Beast" forever:)
Posted by Darcy at 10:20 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Beauty and the Beast
On Thursday night I went to Zilker Park with Maddie, Shauna, and some others from church to see Beauty and the Beast. Every year Austin puts on an amazing play for everyone. Maddie and I came prepared for some serious bordem so we brought, games, food, cards, and more. But both of us were really shcoked by how good it was. A few times we got out a game and without even thinking about it, put it away and kept whatching.

And the final picture is of Sister Johnson, Shauna, and the a few of the Laurels. (This was an activity of theres but Maddie and I came along for fun.)
Posted by Darcy at 10:33 AM 4 comments