Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I didn't win Doodle4Google. I didn't even make it past the school level :(. I bet the others were really good and I hope someone from our school wins! Isn't this picture soo funny? It's a website making fun of those inspirational posters we have all over our classrooms. I will post more later.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

So I heard:

So I heard that all of you Californians are taking on the Doodle4Google challenge as well. Everyone that does one must post theirs so I know no one copies mine. No cheating young ladies! That was pretty pathetic but I'm very competitive! :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patricks Day!

This morning I didn't even know it was St. Patricks Day... but that's OK! I want everyone to comment and tell me what you think (it can be random) St. Patricks Day celebrates because I don't really know! This is what I think:

One day a red haired guy with pointy ears was walking down the road and he stole a little piece of bread with green mold on it so he was shrunk and his hair was even more red and his ears pointed even more and his clothes turned green. He took more of the moldly bread and feed it to his whole entire city so they'd all be the same size. Then people from other cities started attacking them so they had to live out in the four leaf clover patches. After 200 years people started to find them and celebrate them for their brave-ness! So if you don't celebrate them by wearing green today they will pinch you because they've been through a lot and deserve to be celebrated. What do think?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

And the award goes to...

My favorite 3 kids to baby sit! Emily, Jack, and Megan. (And the cutest!) Maddie and I baby-sat for them a few weekends ago and we got paid $40 total for maybe 4 hours. GREAT! And the kids went to bed at about 8:30 leaving Maddie and I about 3 hours to ourselves. So we got out paper and markers and made the kids a scanvenger hunt for the next morning. It was pretty cool but not anything amazing! Two weeks later there family is on our doorstep with this! An award with and extra $10 and a candy-bar. Maddie got one too! It was the sweetest thing ever! Thank you Woods family!
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A few weeks ago our school was entered for a nation-wide competition called Doodle4Google. Go to www.google.com/doodle4google/ to see what it is in full detail and the AMAZING prizes. The theme was What I wish for the World... this is mine. Click up close on it to see what it looks like really close. I'll let you know if I advance in the competition or anything!
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Ideal Sunday

[Pictured above is my favorite corner of our yard and the fence is a little wet with rain which I like!]

This Sunday I rolled out of bed at about 9:30 and the family was already awake. We ate donuts (spl?) my Mom had gotten last night. Then I took a bubble bath while it was raining outside softly and misty. Then I came into my Mom's room to post and I turned on Mindy Gledhill. If you don't listen to her on Sunday's YOU NEED TO! She's one of my favorite singers even for non-church times. My favorite song is Golden Slumbers sung by her. It's amazing!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Photo Shoot

When my aunt Mimi came this weekend Allie made sure she got her pictures taken and I got a few done. This is my favorite picture considering I'm playing flag football! ~!YAY!~ You can go to my mom's blog to see more and I will use the pictures in posts. There are a LOT of Allie...

Monday, March 2, 2009


Lets see how long this one last! I found a great template that is totally me! But it doesn't have the log-in thing which bugs me. I like it enough that I'm going to add things to the sidebar finally. It's been awhile because I had to keep it on my old template for really confusing computer reasons. But it's better now! YEAH!!! What do you think?

Good Ole' Braces...again

Here I am...Braces: Phase II! Hooray! This means I'm getting closer and closer to being done. This picture looks kinda weird from our camera. Kinda blurry, but too bad! BTW I didn't get to have any color:( I'm not just boring! Click on this picture at your own risk. My teeth aren't too sore but the dentist said to wait till' dinner. That can't be good! But it's 5:40 and I'm feeling pretty good. One more thing, I look so funny/gross when I eat because I'm not quite used to it. (Let me put it this way, I need practice!)
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