This past week we went on the lake Friday night and Saturday morning! The water was "refreshing" as we all like to say... but i got in and was completly swimming. Here are the pics from Friday night. Saturday morning I won't put pictures of because it was all Allie's friends and not really me or Maddie. FRIDAY NIGHT-Me and Maddie made sure to get our tan going on this one cause we are both pretty pale:)
This was so fun. We put a surfing rope out and Chase was in the front holding onto the rope, Maddie was next holding onto Chase's life jacket, I was hanging onto Maddie's, and just for a minute or so my mom was on as well. It looks like we are going very slow... which we are. But it is a lot harder than it seems because the water is pushing so hard it you when you are going against it.
Allie and my mom smiling for the camera. (both in cute swimsuits+cute sunglasses!)
Chase is getting ready to throw Luke into the water right here.

Looks Fun!
ha ha mee hoo!!!! i seriously just laugh out loud when i read that! ha ha that was sooo funny! MEE HOO!
lucky you can still go on the lake where there are no sharks, I have to go to the ocean where there are waves of death! JK! :)
I miss and luv ya,
Tay (I'm still alive!)
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