Monday, March 2, 2009

Good Ole' Braces...again

Here I am...Braces: Phase II! Hooray! This means I'm getting closer and closer to being done. This picture looks kinda weird from our camera. Kinda blurry, but too bad! BTW I didn't get to have any color:( I'm not just boring! Click on this picture at your own risk. My teeth aren't too sore but the dentist said to wait till' dinner. That can't be good! But it's 5:40 and I'm feeling pretty good. One more thing, I look so funny/gross when I eat because I'm not quite used to it. (Let me put it this way, I need practice!)
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Darcy said...

That post was really bad sounding! I skipped around subjects a LOT! haha! My QUEST teacher wouldn't approve!:)

cass said...

I wish I looked that good with my braces! I'm getting mine on again in hmm... before Summer.

Anonymous said...

Darcy you look so cute with braces on!!! Hope they dont hert to bad.

Brynn said...

ohh dear....i feel your pain girl. And your ortho is right, mine usually dont start hurting till like that night or the next morning. But you look darling in that pic (: I hate eating with new brackets, I had that last week and I can tell you it was NOT fin!! It's just barely getting better :/