Sunday, May 10, 2009

Biggest Bowl of Soup EVER

On our family trip to Hyatt Wild Oak Ranch, we went to dinner at a Mexican food place called Pericos. It was SO good! I ordered a bowl of tortilla soup instead of the cup because I assumed it would be the normal size. But the waitress didn't even mention it was this big! It was still good, but everything in it got soggy since I couldn't slurp it up as fast as required.:)


cass said...

Woahh! That is HUGE, but also looks very tasty! Nice choice!

maddie said...

O my gosh that is huge Dar it is three times the size of your face! ha ha ha!!!!! were you hungry after eating that???!!!!just kidding!!!

Brynn said...

CRAZINESS!! I hope you guys had fun on that trip! hahha just out of curiousity, what does you're shirt say after "will work" ?? Can't wait to see you this summer :)

Brynn said...

*your not you're

(that would have just bugged me lol)