Ahh. Church Basketball. It's the best! Ever! I am not that amazing...at all! but it is such a blast, and can get pretty competitive! But sadly, the first game I was able to play at (pictured above) Carriage Hills Ward didn't even show up. So we automatically won. Which is good, and we got to play a game for tips and practice, but I really wanted to beat another team. Oh well. Maybe next week! :]
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Church Ball
Posted by Darcy at 6:44 PM 0 comments
I Hate Technology!
I hate it all! I just read my whole blog from day 1 and i miss it so much! But ever since Facebook, I haven't posted a single thing. How sad! So I am going to try this again. And maybe I'll be sucked into Facebook again... but maybe not!! So lets see how this goes...
Posted by Darcy at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Facebook! AHHH
Oh my, Facebook is addicting!!!! I haven't posted in so long. Everyone needs to get a Facebook, they are just a blast. I love blogger because I can write and tell long stories and i can't do that on Facebook. But on Facebook you can find people you used to know or whatever you want and that is really fun! But I will try to refresh my blog as much as possible! P.S. tommorow is the last day of school!!!!!!!!YEA!
Posted by Darcy at 5:41 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Biggest Bowl of Soup EVER
On our family trip to Hyatt Wild Oak Ranch, we went to dinner at a Mexican food place called Pericos. It was SO good! I ordered a bowl of tortilla soup instead of the cup because I assumed it would be the normal size. But the waitress didn't even mention it was this big! It was still good, but everything in it got soggy since I couldn't slurp it up as fast as required.:)
Posted by Darcy at 9:51 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
I promise I will post when our computer comes back with all of our pictures. Our faithful ole' computer had some crazy virus that is making it go completly insane! Haha:) expect a post soon!
Posted by Darcy at 2:35 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
In-Style Weddings Book
This weekend while my grandma was in town, (very fun weekend which will be posted about later) we went to Barnes ans Noble Bookstore for fun after dinner at Cheesecake Factory. As all of you know, I have and obbsession with wedding things and outdoors and green and everything like that! So as a surprise, without me seeing, my grandma snuck this book into her purchase. I love it! It is AMAZING! It's all put together by the magazine editor and its hugge and the pictures are just incredible. It makes me smile:)
Posted by Darcy at 9:42 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009

Posted by Darcy at 5:32 PM 5 comments