Oh my, Facebook is addicting!!!! I haven't posted in so long. Everyone needs to get a Facebook, they are just a blast. I love blogger because I can write and tell long stories and i can't do that on Facebook. But on Facebook you can find people you used to know or whatever you want and that is really fun! But I will try to refresh my blog as much as possible! P.S. tommorow is the last day of school!!!!!!!!YEA!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Biggest Bowl of Soup EVER
On our family trip to Hyatt Wild Oak Ranch, we went to dinner at a Mexican food place called Pericos. It was SO good! I ordered a bowl of tortilla soup instead of the cup because I assumed it would be the normal size. But the waitress didn't even mention it was this big! It was still good, but everything in it got soggy since I couldn't slurp it up as fast as required.:)
Posted by Darcy at 9:51 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
I promise I will post when our computer comes back with all of our pictures. Our faithful ole' computer had some crazy virus that is making it go completly insane! Haha:) expect a post soon!
Posted by Darcy at 2:35 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
In-Style Weddings Book
This weekend while my grandma was in town, (very fun weekend which will be posted about later) we went to Barnes ans Noble Bookstore for fun after dinner at Cheesecake Factory. As all of you know, I have and obbsession with wedding things and outdoors and green and everything like that! So as a surprise, without me seeing, my grandma snuck this book into her purchase. I love it! It is AMAZING! It's all put together by the magazine editor and its hugge and the pictures are just incredible. It makes me smile:)
Posted by Darcy at 9:42 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009

Posted by Darcy at 5:32 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I didn't win Doodle4Google. I didn't even make it past the school level :(. I bet the others were really good and I hope someone from our school wins! Isn't this picture soo funny? It's a website making fun of those inspirational posters we have all over our classrooms. I will post more later.
Posted by Darcy at 7:00 PM 6 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
So I heard:
So I heard that all of you Californians are taking on the Doodle4Google challenge as well. Everyone that does one must post theirs so I know no one copies mine. No cheating young ladies! That was pretty pathetic but I'm very competitive! :)
Posted by Darcy at 8:29 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patricks Day!
This morning I didn't even know it was St. Patricks Day... but that's OK! I want everyone to comment and tell me what you think (it can be random) St. Patricks Day celebrates because I don't really know! This is what I think:
Posted by Darcy at 8:48 AM 7 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
And the award goes to...
Posted by Darcy at 9:23 AM 5 comments
Posted by Darcy at 9:18 AM 1 comments
Ideal Sunday
[Pictured above is my favorite corner of our yard and the fence is a little wet with rain which I like!]
Posted by Darcy at 8:46 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Photo Shoot
When my aunt Mimi came this weekend Allie made sure she got her pictures taken and I got a few done. This is my favorite picture considering I'm playing flag football! ~!YAY!~ You can go to my mom's blog to see more and I will use the pictures in posts. There are a LOT of Allie...
Posted by Darcy at 5:29 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Lets see how long this one last! I found a great template that is totally me! But it doesn't have the log-in thing which bugs me. I like it enough that I'm going to add things to the sidebar finally. It's been awhile because I had to keep it on my old template for really confusing computer reasons. But it's better now! YEAH!!! What do you think?
Posted by Darcy at 3:56 PM 2 comments
Good Ole' Braces...again
Posted by Darcy at 3:41 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
By Popular Vote...
This is the burn spot from the lamp burning the drawer above it!This one shows how it almost burnt all the way through the drawer, which would have caused th
There is the cabinet that it all happened in!
Posted by Darcy at 2:32 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Girl Blankie!
Everyone, post about your baby blanket, teddy bear, pillow, whatever it is. Here is mine, Girl Blankie! If you look up close on the first picture there are some faded out little girls on it. They used to be really clear and noticable, but I've had her since I was 1. Also I don't say "I've had it since I was 1." I say "I've had her since I was 1." One time Allie and I caught her on fire which I will have to post about another time because it's a little bit long. Funny because she's one of things were (this is going to be dorky) when we leave on a vaction I can't leave her at home because I feel bad for her. So anyways, post about your baby-thing even you Mom and any one who wants to!
Posted by Darcy at 10:16 AM 10 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Kathrine!
P.S. Cute picture I found of the girlies right?
Posted by Darcy at 3:16 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Last Friday, Maddie and I went babysitting for the cutest girls! But the youngest one was having a really hard time getting to bed. So we had her on the couch and we were trying to sweet talk her into getting into her Pull-Up for bed. She was saying really funnny things like "This isn't funny!" and "It's not fair!" Then Maddie just scooped her up and tried to move her into her room and she points her tiny little finger at her and yells, "YOUR THE GRINCH!" in her adorable little girl voice. Maddie and I laughed and that made it 10 times worse... but thats OK because after a little while she cooled off and let us put her in bed. But it was really funny at the moment. How could you compare sweet Maddie to the grinch?:)
Posted by Darcy at 2:37 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Goodbye Kiss Kiss
It's so sad that all of these awesome singers and OLYMPIC SWIMMERS (eh-em Micheal Phelps) just go bad on us. Chris Brown just assualted Rihanna after a fight in the car and Micheal Phelps was caught doing drugs. Now I can't enjoy Chris Brown's music anymore because it makes me sad that he did something so bad! And Micheal Phelps isn't such an awesome guy to me anymore. I thought he was some great role model, but not too much anymore. I guess this is the time us Mormons step up and stand out of the crowd versus all these stars gone bad. Hopefully Taylor Swift can be a light to these troubled stars also. Right? :) I love her.
Posted by Darcy at 3:17 PM 8 comments
Labels: It
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Blog Under Construction!
Posted by Darcy at 5:42 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Town Lake Fun!
We couldn't leave until I got a picture of my duck. This random duck is just floating around in it's gorgeous-ness and I am chasing it with a camera because it is so darn amazing looking! My duck! His name is...ummm... Beff. Yes, Beff! :)
Ignore the graffitti (splng?) But don't we all look so cute standing in front of the glorious Town Lake in Texas! Ahh, I love it.
And I always have more pictures of myself then others because I people should know I was there too, right? Anyways, we went to this cupcake trailer thing in Austin called "Hey Cupcake" and we all got a DELISH cupcake. Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum!
Posted by Darcy at 3:38 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ice Day!
Notice, Austin is the only gray area. Which means "Winter Weather Adivsory". I don't have school till' 10:55. Ahh sleeping in on a Wednesday is a nice thing. I hope this happens again tommorow. Plus we don't have to make it up on "Good Friday". Now I have to go get my cup of hot-chocolate! *YUMMY*
Posted by Darcy at 6:37 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cross my fingers!
There is a chance we will have a late start tommorow. SLEEPING IN SOUNDS AMAZING RIGHT NOW! There is supposed to be a big freeze tonight, but we aren't sure if it will be severe enough to last till' the morning. I'm crossing my fingers it will. Plus if it's a late start (10:00) then we won't have to make it up on "Good Friday!" Lets see if dreams do come true...
Posted by Darcy at 4:03 PM 1 comments

Posted by Darcy at 6:14 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
New Blog
I finally got a new blog background. I think since it has the flowers is is still "Pots Pans Pans Petals-ish" I'm pretty sure I like it! The one thing I hate about it is that the nav-bar isn't there on the top and I'm not sure why. So if i want to sign into my blog I have to go to Cassie's first then to mine:) Weird huh? What do you think?
Posted by Darcy at 10:14 AM 4 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Posted by Darcy at 2:53 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Glass Jar Top
Allie was filling this big jar with all those conversation hearts for a cute Valentines decoration on this little nook in our house today. (BTW this jar is very big and it has a glass top.) I was bored so i put it on my head and it got stuck, which is OK because then it lead to this funny pictures and they are perfect for a blog post. Don't I look great?? Please ignore the coldsore on my face if you are wondering. I really, really dislike them. But I'm working on not being so annoyed with the ANNOYING coldsores I can't do anything about!
Posted by Chavez Kids at 7:12 PM 8 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Cute Necklace
OK, if you are ever looking for a good and, might I add, not too expensive present... go to this link: http://www.homestudio.etsy.com/! They have these adorable necklaces! (Mine is in the picture to the left.) Allie and my Mom got them too, and will be posting about their's soon so I won't ruin the fun for them. But seriously, they are soo cute and not too big or too small!
Posted by Chavez Kids at 2:28 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Where is my phone?

Posted by Chavez Kids at 12:38 PM 10 comments
Sparklers and an Odd Camera
Don't we all love it when we take a picture and it ends upa ll fuzzy and blurry? Just kidding! But it looks like there are arrows of fire pointing at Luke's head. Sorry Luke:) I Love sparklers though... even though I always think they are going to burn my hand off when they get closer.
I Love this pic because it looks like there are three of me and Allie and like two of luke. and like we are holding a bomb or something in the middle:)
Its funny how it looks like Maddie is just running full force at us with her little flame and Luke and Allie are concetrating on starting a flame! These sparklers were pretty cheap, so they were really hard to lite but it's OK!
Again, Maddie is in the background just skipping along, I'm trying to lite Allie's sparkler, allie (again) is concetrating on her sparkler and Luke is like "Come on I want some action here!"
Well, that was our sparkler and an odd camera experience.
Until next time, Darcy. (My new signature!)
Posted by Chavez Kids at 12:17 PM 4 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Double Checking
Posted by Darcy at 8:22 AM 3 comments
Amber and Kara
Posted by Darcy at 8:09 AM 3 comments